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AutoUpgrader Professional (single developer license) latest

AutoUpgrader Professional (single developer license) latest

AutoUpgrader Professional (single developer license) Publisher's Description

The AutoUpgrader component used for automatic update from the Web any Delphi/C++ Builder application. The AutoUpgrader will check your website out for the newest releases of your software and, if the newest versions is available — download updates and upgrade your application "on the fly". All this without SINGLE LINE of code!

The AutoUpgrader Pro contains built-in Application Update Wizard, built-in multi-language support (it automatically recognize language used on user's PC and show all messages in native language). However, if you don't want to use built-in Wizard, you can make customized progress-dialogs using numerous events.

When AutoUpgrader download files it automatically detects all Internet settings for current connection, pre-configured in the Control Panel. However, you still can use own settings, specifying preferable proxy-server or using direct connection.

If you store newer version of your program in password protected Web directories, you can pre-configure the username/password to access files, or let AutoUpgrader to ask login information when it necessary.

When you release new version of your software — just create so-called, upgrade information file (manually or using built-in designer), then upload this file to your website.

With AutoUpgrader your customers will use only latest versions of your software!

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